Monday, May 2, 2011

Special Mother's Day Services

We wish all Mother's a very blessed 
and special Mother's Day. 
We encourage you if you 
do not have any special home
church; then come and visit
with us. Our services begin
at 11am. Their will be 
refreshments offered in 
Fellowship Hall after services.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Bash at New Beginnings

Come and share the fun with us on Easter. Good message, good food and fellowship, and Egg Hunt for the youth. It starts at 11 am Sunday morning.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter Services

We will be having a special Easter Service. Communion will be offered along with fellowship dinner and a egg hunt for the youth after services. Come and join us!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Member needs your help.

One of our members just had a fire in her home and lost everything. She has small children and is in the need of clothing, food, furniture. If you have anything that will help this young lady out please contact the church at 615-712-8801. If there is no answer leave a message and we will get back with you. Thank you in advance.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt at WEST PARK

Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday April 17, 2001 at West Park starting at 2:00 pm. Sponsored by City Councilman Buddy Baker.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunday March 13, 2011

Brother Ron taking eye test!

 Sister Linda Netherton

 Sister Twayla Cox

 Sister DeDe Cox

 Sister Teresa Shaw

 Brother Richard Cox

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What should we do each day?

Study His Word to shew ourselves approved!

It is always better to listen to God the first time!

He has his ways to get your attention!

Three men died on a cross one day!

But the Son came up!

Jesus carried His Cross!

The word of God tells us that Christ bore the cross. It also tells us to carry our own cross.
We as Christians must realize that the same persecution that Jesus and His Disciples were exposed to, we will be exposed to us also. We were not promised a rose garden but a mansion in His Kingdom. The labor spent on this earth for His Glory will not go unrewarded.

What does being filled with the Holy Spirit look like?

Kind of like this!

Why does God make the world spin?

Because He so loved the world and all his creations upon it. If the world is spinning it makes it easier for him to see what all His creations are doing. So just remember that God has His eye on you!

The price for sin!

What should we be praying for?

  • We pray for our troops in harms way.
  • We pray for our Pastor and his family
  • We pray for our families both close and far away
  • We pray for our nation and its leaders to know that the smart thing to do is follow God.
  • We pray for the lost souls on this earth and for an opportunity to witness to them about the love of God.
  • We pray one for the other as His Word commands.
  • We pray for ourselves.
  • We pray for you!

Pray to a living God.

In many religions they stop to pray to someone or something that has already pasted into history., something no longer alive. The God I speak to is alive and doing quite well I might add. He has stood the test of time because he created time. There is no one greater than God because God created all there is. The God I speak to hears me, the God I speak to cares how I feel, the God I speak to answers my prayers. This can not be said of from other religions. If we were to have a reality show named " Where is your God?" I bet mine would win!

Who really is your best friend?

Friendship is determined by some many different factors now days that what true friendship is has became very blurred to our vision. Friendship should not be based on someone giving you what you want all the time or by telling you what you want to hear. Friendship should be based on people helping you meet your needs and by telling you the truth. You noticed I said that they help you meet your needs. I don't advocate people doing everything for someone because this sends the wrong message to everyone watching. There is one friend we can always count on and that is Jesus. He set the example for all of us about friendship.

I Belong to Jesus.

That is a statement that many Christians make quite frequently, but do we really belong to Him? Sometimes what we say to does not show itself in what we do. I not saying that any one does not belong to Jesus although some don't; what I am saying is that our outward actions should tell others to whom we belong without us ever having to tell them. Christ said himself that by our works we shall be known. Just something to ponder on for a while brothers and sisters.

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Key to all lifes problems.

Got Jesus? It's Hell without him!

Now what would you think this might mean? That having Jesus in you live that things are going to be easy? On the contrary. Christians are destined to be persecuted and even killed in His name. What this means is what was taught in his Word that through Him only ( Jesus ) would you enter into Heaven. So if you don't got Jesus; You got problems!

What this ministry is all about.

Our main purpose is to reach the World for Jesus by spreading the Gospel to all that our Lord brings us into contact with. We are just simple everyday people with the same everyday problems that most people have, but we are more. We are called out and set aside for His Glory to be more; by serving Him by serving you.

New Blog Page

We wish to welcome everyone to our new blog page. Please feel free to submit ideas and pictures for inclusion to this page.